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Tweet archive: Google calendar

A few weeks ago I blogged about archiving tweets by sending them to another web service using ifttt. In my case that web service was Google Calendar since I never really use it.

I just thought I would share a weekly snapshot of my tweets in calendar format:

Tweets in calendar format

Although it looks pretty chaotic you can actually see slight patterns emerging, the density of tweets in the morning is greater than in the evening for example.

Granted, the snapshot above in the current format isn’t massively useful to anyone apart from myself, but I still think it’s pretty interesting to see tweets presented in a different format than the usual stream.

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Rewilding the planet with freelance animation and motion design

We've only got one planet, and right now it needs all the help it can get. Climate change and biodiversity loss are massive challenges that we need to tackle head on.

That's why, for every freelance animation project over £1000 a donation of 1% of the total budget will be made to the World Land Trust, on your behalf.

The money will go towards WLT's "buy an acre" programme; buying up and protecting vital habitats around the world, and helping fight against climate change.

Any motion design projects under £1000 will have a tree planted on your behalf.

Acres saved so far:

Thanks to my wonderful clients and the animations we've produced, enough money has been donated to save around:

17.5 Acres of vital habitats around the world.

Just think, your animated explainer video or logo animation could also be helping fight the climate crisis!

If you're interested in some freelance animation work and saving the planet, get in touch and let's chat!