Animated videos are a great way to tell your story and reach new people online. Whether you're looking for an animated explainer for your product, or perhaps an educational piece to talk about a particular topic, there's an ideal animation just waiting to be made.

This handy guide runs through the process you can expect for producing an animation for your business. If you've never had an animation created, or if the whole process is new to you, don't worry! We'll work together to create a wonderful animation you'll want to share with everyone.

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This animated explainer produced for The Guardian runs through the topic of writing a cover letter when applying for jobs.

How much does an animation cost?

Animated explainers typically start at around £5000 depending on the style and requirements of the video being produced. The example here would cost more because of the additional 3D animation used throughout. For more information, read this quick post on how much an animation costs.