Student? Jobless? Enter: Student Gems
I have had a such a good experience with this site that I thought it deserved a blog post:
About a year ago I was introduced to a wonderful site: - a brilliant site for all students looking for part time work.
The site is so good because it allows students to advertise their own individual skills to employers and allows employers to search for students based on the skills they need!
Take me for example, I listed my skills as website design, graphic design & video production. So, any employers needing some website design work can search through a list of students who can carry out website design.
Since signing up I have had numerous projects through the site including changing the logo into a more suitable format.
If you are a student and are looking for part time work or even just a one off project then get on over and signup!
Don’t worry if you read this post and think; I’m not a website designer so I can’t signup. WRONG! The site has a massive list of skills and you can even suggest your own if it isn’t listed.
It really is a great place to earn money and experience doing the things you love.
(you can also follow the sites updates on twitter: @studentgems
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