Wunderlist: the fantastic task management app
If you’re trying to find a decent to-do list app then you really need to checkout the task management tool: Wunderlist. As well as a web app, wunderlist is also available for a wide variety of devices and perhaps the best thing about it: it’s absolutely free. Incredible really when you look at the key features the app has to offer:
1. Cloud syncing
Syncing all your tasks to the cloud means that no matter where you access them, be it via the web app, iPad or phone - all your tasks will be up-to-date! Great for managing them via the web & updating them on the go.
2. Push & email notifications
One of the main problems I’ve had with to-do list apps in the past is that quite often I won’t check-in on them, they’ll just sit there & stagnate until I finally check them 4 months later. A simple remedy to this problem and one of my favourite things about the app, is the choice of either email or push notifications - these let you know when you’re task is due or if you’ve got some tasks which are still outstanding, all of which keeps me returning to the app to keep my tasks up to date.
3. Lists
With a name like wunderLIST it’s hardly a surprising feature, but a useful one nonetheless. Lists allow you to easily categorize your tasks into specific areas making it even easier to manage each one.
Oh, and it looks great too!
It’s very refreshing to use a to-do list app which hasn’t been designed to look like a traditional notepad. The design of both the web and iPhone app I use is simply marvelous & I’ve no doubt the other versions are just as nice.
Overall, I think the developers of the app: 6Wunderkinder - have done an incredible job with Wunderlist & I would recommend giving it a try for yourself although you may find yourself asking the same question I am: why would they not charge for a service this good?
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